Nathan Harden

Obama’s Legacy: Inconsequence

Presidential elections always seem more consequential than they really are. A loss feels so final, so fatal. A victory feels so much like hope.

What If It Were Hillary?

It’s the question many Democrats have been silently asking themselves for four years now: What if things had tipped the other way during the 2008 primaries?

Obama's Kanye West Moment

Once upon a time on MTV, rapper Kanye West stood onstage and famously said, “Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

Elizabeth Warren: An Insult To Principled Democrats

She is running neck-and-neck with Republican Scott Brown in a state where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1 -- and still she’s poised to lose the most un-losable Senate race in the country.

Obama’s Secret College Transcripts

The mainstream news media can’t stop obsessing over Mitt Romney’s tax returns. “Will he or won’t he release them?” they keep asking. What terrible secrets are hidden among Romney’s mortgage interest deductions and depreciation write-offs?

The Aurora Shooter’s Blood Money

Did James Holmes, the suspect in the Aurora, Colo. theater shooting, buy his bloody bullets with your hard-earned tax dollars? It looks that way.

Obama Is Not My Daddy

It's as if the campaign is asking me to imagine that I am the president's child and he my benevolent father.

Barack Obama, Eater of Dogs

Last week, Mitt Romney got in trouble for talking about riding horses. This week, President Barack Obama is in trouble because he used to eat dog meat.

Joe Biden Accidentally Tells the Truth

Good 'ole Joe. You can always count on him to say what he shouldn't. Remember when the revolution was underway in Egypt? In stepped Joe to praise Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian dictator.

Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum: Republican Groundhogs

Groundhog Day is upon us. Up in Punxsutawney, Penn., the famous prognosticating groundhog Phil may see his shadow this year. We could be in for six more weeks of winter. Never mind the fact that it's been so unseasonably warm that Al Gore started writing the script for his next Oscar-winning documentary called Ha! I Told You So. If Phil says winter will continue then, by golly, it will.

State of the Union Address, Or, Rather, the State of Obama's Imagination

If you listened to the president’s State of the Union address Tuesday evening, you may have been confused. The rosy picture he painted of America as a thriving, secure, prosperous, and upwardly mobile nation doesn’t match reality, as you and I know it. In fact, Obama’s reckless deficit spending has taken this country to the edge of financial collapse, leaving us jobless, economically stagnant, lacking in innovation, and weak in our national defenses.

Why Are Obama’s Supporters So Dumb?

Let me start by apologizing for the title of this column. It's crass, uncharitable, maybe even a bit misleading. But, in my defense, let me explain that I got the idea from Newsweek, which we all know is a highly respectable magazine.

Tebow’s Presidential Caucus: GOP Candidates Seek Endorsement

This week, Tim Tebow told reporters that more than one Republican presidential candidate has called to request his public endorsement. A brand new phase of the presidential primary has begun. You thought Iowa and New Hampshire were big. Those are nothing compared to the Tebow caucus.

Have a Weird Christmas

On the old TV show, The Twilight Zone, people would often wake up to find that the world had changed in some weird and inexplicable way. The holidays are kind of like that. Our music tastes, our fashion, and even our work habits, are temporarily transformed.

Suze Orman for President

When it comes to our national debt, the economic crisis has recalibrated the nation's sense of the normal. We have grown remarkably comfortable with being in the red. We gaze upon the ever-escalating national debt with a sense of boredom. $15 trillion? Yawn. Adding a few trillion to the debt ledger every so often has become a national pastime.

Dear Siri, Do You Love Me?

Apple’s mega-selling new iPhone 4S has everyone in titters. It has a faster processor, a better camera, a new and improved this and that. But really, it’s all about Siri. She’s the seductive little voice-activated personal assistant that lives inside every new iPhone.