Rush Limbaugh
Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. Reuters

Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has a message for Republicans: There’s a chance Democrats could win the House in 2014. You read that right. Limbaugh told “Fox and Friends” Tuesday that Democrats are poised to win the House next year because Republicans are paying too much attention to immigration reform instead of Obamacare.

Parts of Obamacare, the name given by opponents to the new health care law, take effect in October. A majority of Americans (52 percent, according to Real Clear Politics’ polling average) disapprove of the law and Limbaugh said this where Republicans can make inroads with the electorate. The polarizing radio host said Democrats are using this a way to grow their base.

At the moment, the House is being pressured to pass a comprehensive immigration reform bill -- as the Senate did last week -- before the year ends. However, it is taking a piecemeal approach that could stretch out the process.

“The Republicans are sitting around twiddling their thumbs worried about immigration and whether the Hispanics like them or not and being skunked on issue after issue after issue,” Limbaugh said. “Like this is classic. The 2014 midterms are really, really important. If the Democrats win the House, then there is no such thing as a lame duck last two years for Obama.”

When asked if he really thinks a Democratic-led House of Representatives is possible, Limbaugh said, “Yeah, because the Republicans are in the process of engaging in policies guaranteed to lose them elections. Absolutely, it’s possible.”

A portion of the new health care law that requires businesses to provide health insurance for workers has been delayed a year, following complaints from the business community about reporting requirements. Businesses with 50 or more full-time employees will be penalized if they don’t provide insurance.

In a post on Tuesday, Assistant Treasury Secretary for Tax Policy Mark J. Mazur stated that a large majority of businesses needing to do such reporting already provide health insurance to their workers.

“We want to make sure it is easy for others to do so,” he said. “We have listened to your feedback. And we are taking action.”