Ivory Coast rains, sun boost cocoa crop: farmers

Abundant rains punctuated by sunny spells last week in most of Ivory Coast's key cocoa regions have boosted the main crop, but heavy rains in some areas have prevented harvesting and may damage quality by preventing proper drying, farmers said on Monday.
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Solar flares continue to glance the Earth

Giant Sun Flare Continues to Affect Earth

A gigantic solar flare that erupted Saturday just won't quit and is forecasted to continue to dazzle sky watchers in Asia and Europe with aurora light shows Tuesday evening.
Double Sun

NASA Discovers Two-Sun Planet Like in Star Wars

In 1977, the blockbuster sci-fi movie Star Wars showed a spectacular scene: the lead character Luke Skywalker walks into a binary sunset in the planet Tatooine. Thirty-four years later, such a scene has become a reality. The only difference is that the planet is not called Tatooine but is officially called Kepler-16b.
Sun Blaze

The Sun Blazes with Bigger Solar Flares

The sun has let off some heat this week in the form of unusually strong class solar flares that have blazed from its surface letting of a giant ball of solar material.
Exploding White Dwarf

Slowing Down White Dwarfs at High Risk of Explosion

Like the fictitious time bomb in the Hollywood blockbuster Speed, rigged to blow up the bus in which it was planted it slowed below 50 mph, some white dwarf stars when slowed down from their rapid spins may explode as supernova, astronomers say.

Alarmists Got it Wrong, Humans Not Responsible for Climate Change: CERN

Global warming and climate change are phenomena that broke the bonds of scientific circles to emerge as a matter of debate between believers and skeptics. Countless studies validating and denying global warming have seen the light of the day, providing fodder for more, often somewhat bitter debates. Within the past month, Nobel Prize winner and leading climate change alarmist Al Gore has called those who deny global warming akin to racists, and pseudo-...
A look back at solar flares in 2011 and their effects

Scientists Now Able to Predict Sunspots Days Before Solar Eruptions

Scientists have found a way to spot active regions of the sun, a full day or two before they erupt as sunspots, by listening to sound waves from deep inside the sun. This prediction could possibly lead to better forecasts of dangerous solar storms, a new study said.


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