People, it seems, aren't happy. They aren't happy at all. In what is being called a Global Revolution, citizens from every nation are being called to 'Take The Square' this Sunday, June 19th. The movement calls on people to peacefully occupy public squares and create spaces for debate, assembly and reflection.

This massive cyber-youth movement is a call to arms to reclaim the public arena and together forge the kind of world we want to live in. The group is not affiliated with any type of government, union or other political organization. They are asking people to design and create a world where people and nature come first, before economic interests; to design and build the best possible world. They want to go back to basics, before politics and before bureaucracy.

Arab countries have already held protests, along with Iceland, France, Greece, Portugal, Italy and Turkey to fight back against unemployment rates, union rules and government tactics.

Do you have something to say? If you think things need to change and want people to listen, find a public space near you this Sunday and join in a peaceful protest to make your views heard.

You can follow the movement on:


