Nuts and Seeds
Here are ten foods that can help beat fatigue and give you that much needed energy boost. Pictured: Different types of seeds, raisings, peanuts, chocolate, chili, red tuna and tortillas made with red, white, blue corn and nopal (prickly pear) are seen in a restaurant Getty Images/Omar Torres/AFP

If you are constantly feeling sluggish and weak even just after sleeping or resting, it could be because of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. You might look healthy from the outside, but having that chronic feeling of tiredness is a huge sign of a deficiency. Your body functions are based on what you feed it with, similar to a car that runs on fuel. With that said, one the best ways to deal with that feeling of always being tired is to watch what you eat.

Here are 10 foods that can help beat fatigue and give you that much-needed energy boost.

1. Non-caffeinated drinks

It is all right to drink caffeinated beverages, but in moderation. While they may offer a short-term boost, they do not really provide good nutrition in the long run and you will eventually feel a crash coming. If you must have it, it is recommended that you drink unsweetened tea or black coffee instead. Stay away from energy drinks and sodas, which contain artificial ingredients and refined sugars.

2. Complex carbohydrates and whole grains

Refined carbs add little nutrition to the body. Instead, choose foods that contain the hull of the grains to your diet.

3. Unprocessed foods

Burgers offer an instant fix and comfort when you’re hungry, but it’s a processed type of food, which typically contains additives, trans fat, sodium and preservatives.

4. Fresh fruits and vegetables

The fresher the fruit or veggie, the more nutrients it contains. It is best for energy to consume fruits and vegetables that are in-season because that means they have ripened the natural way.

5. Lean proteins

Lean meats like turkey, fish and chicken contain less saturated fat compared to red meats. The best types of lean proteins are those from fish, like tuna or salmon, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids and are considered heart healthy.

6. Nuts and seeds

The best types of nuts for beating fatigue are those that are raw and unsalted. So aside from getting much-needed energy, they can also offer an instant fix to hunger.

7. Bananas

Bananas are high in fiber, potassium and vitamins. In fact, they are the fruit of choice of many athletes who need sustained energy for any activity.

8. Vitamins and Supplements

Not all diets are balanced and that’s all right. To make up for the lack, you can consume vitamins and supplements. Consult with your physician or nutritionist for a supplement regimen that works best for your case. Self-supplementing is easy because these products are readily available, but you might not be getting the right nutrients in the appropriate amounts.

9. Oats

A bowl of oats delivers some protein and plenty of fiber to the body. If you’re feeling tired all the time, you might want to start your day with plain oats, not those instant packets that are typically sugar-filled. For flavor and a little more energy, you may add fresh fruits, honey or milk.

10. Water

Water is a must have to your daily diet. While it doesn’t really provide calories, it is an important part of the body’s energetic processes. Swap out any other drink and opt for water, instead and you will feel a big change soon.