Steve Jobs
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs may be gone, but he's still delivering memorable quotes. Above, Jobs is show holding a new iPhone in 2007. REUTERS/Kimberly White

Steve Jobs always gave memorable quotes, and even after death, he's still at it, delivering some fresh ones this week in a video deposition recorded before he died for a court case currently being heard in Oakland, California.

The class-action lawsuit accuses Apple Inc. of breaking antitrust laws by preventing iPod owners from loading music to their devices not purchased from iTunes or uploaded from a CD. The case dates back to 2005, so Jobs was able to participate in a deposition in 2011 prior to his death a few months later.

A transcript of the session shows Jobs giving uncooperative yet memorable answers. During the two-hour deposition, Jobs answered 74 times with variations of "I don't remember," according to CNNMoney.

The highlight of Jobs' deposition comes when he's asked about RealNetworks, a pioneering digital music company that found a way to put its music on iPods before Apple issued an update preventing that practice. "Do they still exist?" Jobs asked.

An internal exchange revealed Tuesday showed Jobs suggesting Apple issue a press release saying "We are stunned that RealNetworks has adopted the tactics and ethics of a hacker to break into the iPod."

In the deposition, Jobs is asked if Apple's comments about RealNetworks were "strong and vehement" to which he answered: "They don't sound too angry to me when I read them. A strong response from Apple would be a lawsuit."