California-based consumer electronics giant Apple Inc has upgraded its time capsule storage devices to enable higher wireless data backup ending weeks of uncertainty.

The two new devices have a built-in storage space of 2TB and 3TB each. The prices of these devices remain unchanged although the models have been modified with a full terabyte more space than its earlier models. The 2TB version is available for $299, while the 3TB is priced at $499. Previously, the 1TB and the 2TB models were priced at the same levels respectively.

Earlier, the company was expected to update the line of backup and other NAS (Network-attached storage) devices.

The Capsule works as a NAS device when connected to the network. It works wirelessly with the Time Machine application to create a backup for a Mac.

The Time Machine app comes with the Mac OS, and a single Time Capsule is able to backup or serve files to almost 50 different computers serving on the same network. The Capsule also has dual-band wireless networking which supports drive sharing and seamless printing regardless of a Mac or a PC.

The Time Capsules are now available for order at the Apple Store, reported.