A North Carolina couple is suing Air Tran Airways, claiming that their flight had cockroaches coming out of air vents and storage areas. The flight staff, they alleged, ignored their concerns.

The couple claims that they faced the cockroach infestation all through the flight and have charged the airlines with negligence, recklessness, intentional infliction of emotional distress, nuisance, fraud and unfair and deceptive trade practices, a report on WCNC.com indicates. The couple took photographs of the cockroaches and included them in their lawsuit.

Charlotte-based attorney Harry Marsh, and his fiancee, Kaitlin Rush, saw the cockroaches as soon as they took off on a Houston-bound flight, on Sept. 15. Marsh claimed that his fiancee became nauseous and now does not ever want to fly again.

Marsh and Rush are claim8ing $100,000 plus mental and emotional damage.

According to Marsh, when he complained to one of the flight attendants, she put her finer to her lips; an action that he interpreted as one asking him to be quiet.

Further, he said that both Rush and he had to throw away some of their belongings, for fear of the cockroaches having entered their luggage.

The airline has yet to comment on the matter but has denied allegations that they do not rate cleanliness of equipment very highly. However, a statement from the airline did say that their planes were cleaned regularly and professionally, as well as being sprayed against insects and bugs.