iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak: Corona A5 Jailbreak ‘Ready’ for iPhone 4S and iPad 2
iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak: Corona A5 Jailbreak ‘Ready’ for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Credit: Pod2g Pod2g

UPDATE: iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak: Corona A5 Jailbreak for iPhone 4S, iPad 2 'Ready to Pop'

Although we are yet to get any confirmation from the jailbreakers that the untethered jailbreak for A5-powered devices running on iOS 5.0.1 is ready for prime time, rigorous blog and Twitter updates are suggesting that Pod2g and his Dream Team of jailbreakers have already got the smell of victory.

Earlier this week, Pod2g posted a video on his blog showing an iPhone 4S running on iOS 5.0.1 with an untethered jailbreak.

The video was made by Dustin Howett, a Chronic Dev Team member, who is responsible for various jailbreak utilities, including a cross-platform set of development tools designed for managing, developing and deploying iOS software, which reverses the need for Xcode, Redmond Pie reported.

iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak: iPad 2 Jailbroken, 'Dream Team’ Releases Photos. Credit: Pod2g

Wednesday, the French hacker came up with yet another update on his blog, consisting of one image of an iPad 2 with Cydia 1.1.3 running full screen on iOS 5.0.1 and one short message that reads - No more to say!

Planetbeing, another prominent member of the Dream Team, soon joined party by tweeting a photo of IntelliScreenX running on his iPad 2.

iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak: iPad 2 Jailbroken, 'Dream Team’ Releases Photos. Credit: Planetbeing/Twitter

Been a productive day. Relieved to find out IntelliScreenX (an app I helped write) works on the 4S and iPad2. :), Planetbeing wrote along with the photo.

According to iDownloadBlog, the image has brought two good reasons to consider that the untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 is about land. First, it shows that the jailbreak is stable enough for Planetbeing to install Cydia packages. Second, this marks the third time in the last few days that we've seen an untethered jailbreak running on an A5 device.