Breaking Bad Spoiler Foiler
Netflix's "Breaking Bad" spoiler foiler Netflix

As the buzz around “Breaking Bad” reaches critical mass in the lead-up to its final episode this week, it’s not the best time in the world to be behind on keeping up with the hit show. After all, it’s incredibly easy to accidentally stumble across a major spoiler online, especially on a site like Twitter, where users are constantly discussing the ins and outs of “Breaking Bad” and theorizing about its upcoming finale.

Thankfully, Netflix is here to save you. If you haven’t yet caught up on the latest episode of “Breaking Bad,” you can install Netflix’s new “Spoiler Foiler” app, designed to protect you from any and all “Breaking Bad” spoilers on Twitter.

The Spoiler Foiler takes an incredibly aggressive approach, blocking out the full text of any tweet containing the words “breaking” or “bad,” regardless of whether or not they actually discuss the hit AMC TV show. It sounds extreme, but it’s better to be careful than ruin “Breaking Bad” for yourself, right?

Of course, Netflix isn’t just doing this out of the kindness of its heart. The Web-based streaming service really, really wants to remind you that it has all of the past seasons of “Breaking Bad” available to stream. Unfortunately for viewers, Netflix only has episodes leading up to the first half of “Breaking Bad” season 5, so you might have to use the Spoiler Foiler a little longer if you’re planning to watch the series finale through Netflix.