A video of a baby being flung from a mini-van has gone viral after a horrific car crash in Russia nearly took the child’s life.

The baby is seen in the video, captured by a driver behind the accident, being ejected from the vehicle and landing face down on the pavement.

According to ABC News, the baby was not strapped into a car seat, which resulted in her being flung out the window after the car crashed into a truck. Police said the 53-year-old driver placed the baby “like a doll” on the shelf underneath the back windshield of the Mitsubishi SUV.

Russian news reports said the baby suffered injuries to her head and face as a result of the crash.

The video, originally posted by NewsRu.com, shows a car skidding on a road in the Nizhny Novgorod region in Moscow, swerving in and out of the lanes. Then, while traveling backwards, the car’s rear crashed into a truck, smashing the windows and catapulting the baby out of the vehicle. After the baby was ejected out of the car, another oncoming truck nearly hits the child while it lay face down in the middle of the road. The driver is then seen rushing to the baby, where he scoops her up and puts her back in the car.

The driver lost control of the car when trying to pass another car, authorities said.

NewsRu.com said the baby was treated at a hospital in Lyskovo and suffered a “wound of the frontal part of the head and lips and suspicion of a closed head injury.”