The hacker group Lulz Security, which has already hacked into PBS, the FBI, the U. S. Senate and, above all, Sony, took a bolder step by launching a hotline for taking hacking requests.

The group, with almost 150,000 Twitter followers, announced: Now accepting calls from true lulz fans - let's all laugh together at butthurt gamers. 614-LULZSEC, accepting as many as we can, let's roll.

It was said until Tuesday LulzSec received 5,000 missed calls and 2,500 voicemails. The list of targets posted for Tuesday included Escapist Magazine, Eve Online, Minecraft and League of Legends. LulzSec has taken down eight websites on requests received via the hotline, Mashable said.

However, the purpose of the group is not pure fun. The group has posted files containing data it got from the website they already hacked into.

Regarding the database, the group said: We don't like the US government very much. Their boats are weak, their lulz are low, and their sites aren't very secure. In an attempt to help them fix their issues, we've decided to donate additional lulz in the form of owning them some more!

Also they claimed it was a small, just-for-kicks release of internal data.

The 614 area code represents the area of Columbus, Ohio, but it is too difficult to find out the members of LulzSec. The authorities still seem to be in the process of investigating and they didn’t say anything about the group until now.

According to the security firm Sophos, such activity could result in 5 to 20 years in prison under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, if convicted.