Destiny - Xur - Tower North
Xur's location for the weekend of August 12 Photo: Scott Craft

Xur has returned to the Destiny servers, continuing a weekly tradition that stretches back to the game’s first week on store shelves. The only question is whether or not the mysterious vendor’s latest visit will prove to be any more useful than his previous one; particularly those still playing Destiny on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 who will soon lose access to most of Xur’s inventory.

Next month, Bungie will publish Destiny: Rise Of Iron , the highly anticipated fourth expansion for the shared-world shooter released back in 2014. It’s expected to be the final major release for the game before a planned sequel debuts next fall . Naturally, there will be an assortment of changes : a new patrol zone, new equipment, new enemies, new Strike missions and the first new raid since King’s Fall opened last September. But PS3 and 360 owners won’t have access to any of the new content, or most of Xur’s weekly inventory, when Destiny: Rise Of Iron debuts on Sept. 20.

Unfortunately, a highly coveted inventory is anything but a guarantee with the Agent of the Nine. Bungie has long maintained that Xur’s rotating selection is selected at random. The claim would certainly explain how frequently we see some items, like Radiant Dance Machines or the Crest of Alpha Lupi, but seems less plausible once you consider the vendor only sold Gjallarhorn, the former pinnacle of Destiny gear, shortly after launch and about a month before it was nerfed .

This week, Xur can be found in Tower North, across from the Speaker's Observatory

Here’s everything Destiny players can purchase from Xur this weekend:

  • The Taikonaut (Titan - Helmet)
  • Young Ahamkara's Spine (Hunter - Chest)
  • Starfire Protocol (Warlock - Chest)
  • Super Good Advice ( All - Machine Gun)