***Update: No New Zealand Earthquake: Camping Proven False***

Harold Camping's 'end of the world' May 21st Doomsday is less than 5 hours away.

Below are several points regarding his prediction.


A rolling earthquake is supposed to occur at 6 p.m. local time in each country, beginning with New Zealand. Six p.m. New Zealand time, then, is the earliest time in which Camping can be disproved (if the earthquake doesn't happen).

Below is a countdown clock set for 6 p.m. in the local time of Wellington, New Zealand.


Camping doesn't explain how he arrives at 6 p.m. local time.

For 2011, he first took the year of Israel's exile from Egypt to be 1,447 BC, which many scholars agree with.

Then, using genealogy records, he backed out the date of Noah's flood to be 4,990 BC. He then interpreted several Bible verses to show that the end of the world will be 7,000 years after Noah's flood. 4,990 BC + 7,001 = 2011 AD.

The Bible said Noah's flood happened on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Hebrew calendar, which translates to May 21st on the Gregorian calendar.


May 21st isn't actually the 'Doomsday'; it's just the date on which a devastating rolling earthquake will occur and 200 million of God's believers on earth will be raptured in the air and be united with Jesus Christ.

(Thus, a non-event that will disprove Camping's prediction is if no one was raptured by May 22, 2011.)

Back on earth, there will be more tribulation. The world and the unbelievers will then be destroyed on October 21, 2011.

May 22:

If Camping is proven wrong on May 21, he'll likely claim an error in calculation, which is the common historic response for failed Doomsday predictions.

The Millerites did it 1844, Jehovah's Witnesses did it in least 3 occasions, and Camping himself did it in 1994.