Facebook friend requests typically come from... well, friends; or from a co-worker or someone you met at a party. Requests do not often come from unborn babies. Until now.

Brazilian ad agency AGE Isobar as teamed with Olla condoms to develop a public service announcement campaign targeted towards young males using Facebook.

The ad agency created fake profiles of babies, named with the same moniker as their would-be daddy. For example, if the agency was attempting to target John Doe, the baby's profile name would be John Doe Jr.

These unexpected babies are, of course, meant to signal the would-be consequences of unprotected sex.

To show youngsters how important it is to use condoms, we decided to give them virtual soisns, says the Olla ad.

And in the baby's profile, there was a link to the [condom] brand's Web site.

AdWeek reported the new advertising/PSA tactic on Tuesday and it has since gotten 295 likes and 553 tweets.

One reader commented on the article: Awesome way to hit the message home... Social Media Agencies need to create clever work like this more often... To Liz's comment - does it cross the line... Thats a good question - #Branding #SocialMedia #Truth

What do you think of using Facebook for advertising/PSA means? Leave your feedback in the comments section below.