Alex Trebek
Alex Trebek poses with his Emmy award at the 33rd annual Daytime Emmy Awards in Hollywood REUTERS/Fred Prouser

Long time host of the popular U.S. show "Jeopardy" injured his leg on Wednesday while chasing a burglar at a San Francisco Hotel he was staying at reports The San Francisco Chronicle.

Despite his painful injury, Trebek, 71, showed up at the National Geographic World Championship at Google Inc.'s Mountain View headquarters on crutches and explained what happened.

"I deal with answers and questions," Trebek told the crowd. "And today I'm going to start with the answer to a question I suspect is on many of your minds right now. The answer is 'At 2:30 yesterday morning, chasing a burglar down the hall ... until my Achilles tendon ruptured and I fell in an ignominious heap, bruising my other leg in the process," said Trebek according to a CNN International report.

Even though the San Francisco police department confirmed that a burglary had occurred at hotel in the city they did not name Trebek as the victim. Lt. Troy Dangerfield said that two people were asleep in the hotel room when one of the victims awoke to find someone in the room and later noticed suspect leaving the room. The victim was hurt while chasing the suspect, reports the San Francisco Chronicle.

The other victim notified hotel security who nabbed the suspect indentified as 56-year-old Lucinda Moyers. She has been charged with felony burglary and possession of stolen property.