toy splash art
Splash art for League Of Legend's URF Day skins Riot Games

After the last few patches completely rocked the meta, Riot Games is taking a much smoother approach for League of Legends patch 7.9. Minor tweaks, quality of life buffs and simple changes fill the much smaller pages of this week’s expansion. Here are five things you need to know to get ready for League of Legends Patch 7.9.

Galio Rework Baby!- The ugliest grey gargoyle in all of Runeterra is getting a much needed tune-up. Replacing the Demacian loafer’s confusing kit is a new and more powerful set of abilities that has him zooming through the air at supersonic speeds, shooting gales of wind energy and a taunt on his shield. Read more about the new Galio rework here.

Quality Of Life Buffs-

  • Aatrox got a shiny new coat of paint in Patch 7.8, but it wasn’t enough to keep him competitive. When reviving, the dark kin comes back with a full passive, which should give him a bigger edge.

  • Cho’Gath gains slightly more health and can get six stacks from minions.

  • Mini Gnar and Mega Gnar have the same health regen.

  • The Ball no longer returns to Orianna if the target it’s attached to dies.

  • Quinn’s Harrier procs grant up to 40 percent more attack speed at later ranks and she respawns as Valor after level six.

  • Fiddlesticks can Fear from farther away and gets some cooldown on his Drain if it doesn’t kill a target.

Toned Down Miss Fortune/ Varus Nerfs- In Patch 7.8, Riot wanted to send a message to Marksmen everywhere, by busting the knee caps of the two most popular ADCs. Riot is increasing the damage on MF’s Double Up and Piercing Arrow gets four seconds back on a third Blight stack proc, regardless of Cooldown Reduction.

Let’s Try Warlord’s Bloodlust Again- Warlord’s Bloodlust no longer has life steal, which is being replaced by a much more complicated and convoluted mechanic. It now restores health based on Attack Damage and level, which is way harder to figure out then base lifesteal.

Red Brambleback Hates Magic- Slightly less MR on red buff, because you know your allied Leblanc always needs one of those.

There’s also a new Lux Voice Over, a League Client update and new April Fools skins.