The top House Republican is attempting to open the way for voters to see debates about U.S. finances and a key report recommending fixes for the budget deficit ahead of November's elections.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Wednesday asked the co-chairs of a newly created Presidential bipartisan commission if they would move up the vote from December 1 to October 1.

The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility, created by an executive order from President Barack Obama, will include 6 senators, 6 representatives and 6 appointees by the President.

Considering that a lame-duck Congress could conceivably vote on the Commission's recommendations shortly after they are reported, would the Commission report its recommendations two months earlier - by October 1, 2010 - in order for the electorate to engage elected officials and candidates for office on the Commission's report prior to the election? Boehner wrote in a letter released today.

He also asked if the Commission would open all meetings to the public and make all meeting minutes available.

The panel's goal is to make recommendations for medium and long term policies for improving the nation's finances; balancing the federal budget by 2015 while excluding interest payments on the debt; and addressing the growth of entitlement spending and recommendations for closing the federal budget deficit.

The Commission's recommendations will not be binding on members of Congress.