Obama Inaugural Address Word Cloud
This word cloud infographic of President Barack Obama's 2013 Inauguration speech provides an interesting look at his priorities for his second term in the office. Wordle.net

This word cloud infographic of President Barack Obama's 2013 Inaugural Address provides an interesting look at his priorities for his second term.

Word clouds work by graphically presenting the words used in a particular block of text in a weighted manner that allows users to see what words were used most often. By entering the full text of Obama's second Inaugural Address into Wordle.net's free word cloud generator, an image is created that shows viewers what words he used most often.

Though it is very hard to draw concrete conclusions via the use of a word cloud, the image above does provide interesting context to his remarks, and allows viewers to make their own inferences about Obama's speech. A quick demonstration:

The most commonly spoken word in Obama's second inaugural remarks, which he delivered Monday afternoon at the U.S. Capitol, was "must," which suggests that he wanted to emphasize the overwhelming importance of Americans coming together to tackle problems that "must" be solved during this difficult time in the nation's history, rather than using a less forceful word like "might" or "should."

The next most often-used word was "people," which indicates that he spoke repeatedly about the American populace during his speech. The next most-popular word was "time," which may show that he is accutely aware of the importance of addressing the country's problems post-haste, and perhaps the fact that time is of the essence as he begins his final term in the White House.

These observations about the world cloud are simply basic extrapolations, but it can be informative and instructive to peruse the image yourself in search of insights into the intentions of Obama's second Inaugural Address.

Who knows what it means that he used the word "God" more than "government," or that he mentioned "freedom" more than "values?" There are few facts to be gleaned from such comparisons, but there are many informed hypotheses that can be made by looking into Obama's 2013 Inauguration speech via the advent of word cloud infographic technology.