The hacker who ended up in a legal battle with Sony over modifying the PlayStation 3 says he has nothing to do with the recent PlayStation Network outage or the compromised user data.

Sony has few friends within the hacker community, but very few dislike the company more than George Hotz, the PlayStation hacker sued by Sony earlier this year. Hotz and Sony settled the case, but that hasn't quelled speculation that Hotz himself was behind the recent hack that swiped the user data of 70 million PlayStation Network subscribers.

Hotz, denies the accusations, writing on his blog that such a move would make hackers look bad even if a company like Sony was the target. He noted that, while hacking one's own PlayStation was one thing, but hacking the servers of large company like Sony was something entirely different.

And to anyone who thinks I was involved in any way with this, I'm not crazy, and would prefer to not have the FBI knocking on my door, Hotz wrote on his blog.

The hacker also defended Sony's engineers, placing blame not on their efforts but instead on the Sony Corporate executives who decided to target the homebrewers like Hotz himself. Alienating the hacker community is not a good idea, Hotz said, quipping that Sony should have hired more security experts rather than more lawyers.

Hotz also complemented the actual PlayStation network hacker, saying that the individual is clearly talented. Hotz recommends that the perpetrator avoid the clearly-tempting idea of selling the information acquired during the hack.

The hacking scandal is likely to be an immensely damaging one for Sony. A class action lawsuit has already been filed by a user over the breach, which resulted in the theft of user information and possibly credit card information. Security experts have estimated that the scandal could cost Sony $24 billion, approximately a third of its revenue.

Full text of the class action suit is here.