Sony chief executive Howard Stringer apparently downplayed the severity and gravity of the massive hacker attack on the company’s PlayStation Network, saying the security breach and the subsequent service outage were a hiccup and that no networks are 100 percent secure.

The CEO, who was speaking for the first time publicly after the data breach forced Sony to down PSN, said the company acted quickly to address the situation. The PlayStation Network was restored in the U.S. and Europe over the weekend though there was no word yet on the restoration of service in Japan and the rest of Asia.

There were allegations last month that Sony did not promptly report the network hacking and data breach immediately after it came to know about it. Stringer brushed aside the charges of delayed response in an interview with BBC. We reported in a week. You are telling me my week wasn't fast enough?, he asked.

The massive security breach in the PlayStaion network came to light in April and fears spread that hackers might have got crucial information pertaining to credit card numbers, purchase history and password security details of millions of members.

After dithering for a week, Sony revealed that a security breach in its online videogame service and Qriocity streaming video and music service had compromised data pertaining to as many as 77 million customers. The PlayStation Network went offline on April 19.

According o Stringer, not all security breaches are reported at all. He says only 43 percent of firms notify the victims within a month, suggesting that Sony was not culpable of delayed alert as it announced the data breach one week after the hack took place.

Stinger said Sony has no clues as to who mounted the massive attack except that it is aware of the hacker group Anonymous' claim that it launched the attack. We know the denial-of-service attacks were initiated by Anonymous because they said they were, but that's really all we know, he told the Wall Street Journal.

And the CEO said the focus of the company right now is to ensure the network vulnerabilities are addressed. It's one of those dynamic situations where the bad guys get better and the good guys have to keep getting better too.