Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief of Staff, is stumping for his old boss in Iowa as the GOP candidates crisscross the state criticizing President Barack Obama.

Emanuel, now the Mayor of Chicago, will speak at a Democratic Jefferson Jackson Fundraising dinner tonight, according to the Associated Press. The AP was given an advance transcript of Emanuel's speech.

In the next four years, there will be more challenges and more crises that will determine the economic vitality of the middle class and the economic future of this country, Emanuel says. Whose character, whose judgment do you want in that office?

Emanuel has always been a controversial figure due to his penchant for foul language and his take-no-prisoners approach to politics. He was formerly a congressman from Illinois and worked in the Clinton White House.

Saturday's speech will continue his stance of defending the President even since leaving Washington, DC.

President Obama believes in an America where hard work pays off, where responsibility is rewarded, Emanuel will say, according to the AP. He believes in an America where we don't have two rule books, one for those at the top and another set for everyone else. President Obama believes in the idea that our country prospers when we're all in it together.