Glenda Monster tweets and deletes after her suicide news surfaced online
Glenda Monster tweets and deletes after her suicide news surfaced online (Gaby Medina) Gaby Medina

Glenda Monster, a Brazilian teenager who was reported to have committed suicide, seems to be alive.

On Wednesday, RIP Glenda Monster was trending on Twitter when a Lady Gaga fan posted a tweet saying the teenager allegedly became a victim of bullying and committed suicide.

But there was no official report about her death. Glenda, who last tweeted Feb. 1, said that she wanted to say goodbye to everyone.

#MonsterOff Forever, was Glenda's last tweet on her Twitter account before presumably taking her life.

However, the teenager tweeted Thursday: I'm dead?? I can't not go home now RPI Glenda.

However, she deleted the tweets after a few hours.

Glenda Monster tweets and deletes after her suicide news surfaced online (Twitter/Gaby Medina)

She invented the suicide she is Alive and then deleted the tweets, but yes thousands including me saw her 2 tweets on Thursday, a teenager named Gaby Medina, who was following Glenda on Twitter, told International Business Times.

The girl did it for attention. It worked but now it wasn't enough so she deleted her tweets. She is clearly not well in the head, said Medina.

Glenda Monster whose Twitter account is registered in Brazil is supposedly a Lady Gaga Fan.

The tweets on her Twitter account Thursday have now raised questions whether she is alive or was that a stunt to gain attention.

Also, the tweets have now stirred outrage among Twitter users.

Glenda Monster tweets and deletes after her suicide news surfaced online (Twitter/Gaby Medina)

Glenda Monster tweets and deletes after her suicide news surfaced online (Gaby Medina)

Glenda Monster tweets and deletes after her suicide news surfaced online (Gaby Medina)