WWE star CM Punk took to YouTube to take on his haters by reading their tweets, e-mails and letters...and pointing out the grammatical errors found within them. The videos, which are part of a series entitled Grammar Slam, is hosted by CM Punk published via the Nerdist YouTube Channel.

In all, there are five Grammar Slam YouTube videos. One tackles the difference between "your" and "you're," another talks about the difference between "then" and "than." A third video explains how and when "there," "their" and "they're" should be used. Another video addresses "through" vs. "threw," while a fifth video features CM Punk admonishing his haters for failing to understand the differences between "literally" and "figureatively."

The last video is our favorite, simply because its our biggest grammatical pet peeve of the issues that CM Punk addresses. However, each of CM Punk's Grammar Slam videos certainly addresses issues that concern mainly two groups of people: those who commit the kinds of mistakes CM Punk identifies in his videos, and those who read and recognize those mistakes. Simply put, the Grammar Series videos are a brilliant amalgamation of education and snark, making the entire series a must-watch, especially if you find yourself making the mistakes that CM Punk points out in these videos. The language may be a bit strong at times; you've been warned.

Watch each episode of CM Punk's Grammar Slam below, courtesy of YouTube.

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