Anonymous Group Takes Down Colombian Government Web Sites

Anonymous-affiliated hacktivist group TeaMp0isoN said Wednesday evening that it had taken down four Colombian government Web sites, all of which are now shuttered and bear only the words TeaMp0ison, a YouTube clip and a short message on a black background.
TeaMp0ison posted a short missive on Pastebin Wednesday declaring that the crew had executed part of what it calls #OpFreePalestine by hacking into the sites of four Colombian government agencies.
4 Columbian [sic] Government websites Hacked - #OpFreePalestine, the Pastebin post read. The Reason: Purchasing arms from Israel, feeding the forces that traumatize the people of Palestine!Boycott IsraHELL!
The sites are now nothing more than empty black backgrounds bearing a neon-green banner across the top reading TeaMp0ison, the words Columbia [sic]_STOP_buying arms from Israel!, You are feeding the forces that traumatize the people of Palestine, and a YouTube video (see end of this article) depicting pro-Palestinian footage and messages.
The Web sites (,, and are out of commision, and there has been no indication of when they will go back online.
The operation is the latest in a growing list of hacktivist actions Anonymous-afiliated groups have claimed credit for. They have previously taken credit for shutting down many other sites, including a child-porn site, sites run by the city of Orlando, Fla., and the site of the Monsanto corporation.
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