Brazil's education minister has been ridiculed on social media for making a spelling mistake on Twitter.

Abraham Weintraub, who is responsible for schools and universities in Latin America's biggest country, misspelled the Portuguese word for "amazing" in a tweet published Tuesday evening.

Instead of "impressionante," Weintraub wrote "imprecionante."

"The fact that the education minister wrote 'imprecionante' reflects the reality of Brazilian education," wrote one Twitter user.

Another quipped: "It's 'imprecionante' that he is the education minister.'

Brazilian Education Minister Abraham Weintraub is under fire for making a spelling mistake on Twitter
Brazilian Education Minister Abraham Weintraub is under fire for making a spelling mistake on Twitter AFP / EVARISTO SA

Weintraub later deleted the tweet.

It was not his first public orthographical error.

Weintraub, who oversaw deeply unpopular education spending freezes last year, has previously misspelled the Portuguese words for "suspension" and "paralyzation."

On Friday, Weintraub shared on Twitter a message of support from Luciano Hang, owner of one of the largest department store chains in Brazil and a supporter of President Jair Bolsonaro's government.

In the Instagram message deliberately riddled with spelling mistakes, Hang said that "only those who do nothing do not make mistakes."