Casey Anthony and her lawyer Jose Baez
Casey Anthony and her lawyer Jose Baez (L) leave the Orange County Jail in Orlando, Florida July 17, 2011. Reuters

A new book by Casey Anthony's defense attorney reveals new information about the case a year after the infamous not guilty verdict. Among other things, Jose Baez writes Presumed Guilty that Anthony and her defense team rejected an early plea offer from the prosecution, and some damning evidence was never even entered into the trial.

Baez said that in 2008 prosecutors offered to let Anthony plead guilty to aggravated manslaughter of a child, punishable by up to 13 years in prison. He alleges that even though he considered the offer because of the amount of evidence against his client, Anthony dismissed any deal that would implicate her in Caylee's death. She would not entertain it for a second, Baez told the Associated Press.

He also said the defense team became increasingly confident in their case as they learned more about the case the prosecution was getting ready to present. He said eventually they were convinced Anthony would be acquitted in a trial by jury because of the state's circumstantial evidence.

Even though she was convicted in the court of public opinion, Anthony was declared not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee. She was found guilty only on four counts of lying to investigators.

In Presumed Guilty Baez also reportedly writes that Anthony has serious mental health issues, is not playing with a full deck, and is living in her own fantasy world. Those statements are interesting because the defense attorneys built their case on the story Anthony herself told them.

In an interview Thursday morning, Baez told Good Morning America prosecutors also dropped the ball on bombshell evidence. He said that on the day Caylee Anthony disappeared someone used the computer in her house to search the terms foolproof suffocation and venturing into thr pro-suicide pit. He mentions how surprised he was that the state attorneys never used this information, especially since the searches for the term chloroform were so heavily discussed during the trial.

He points out that there was not a definite method to find out who had been using the computer but those searches in particular were preceded by hours of Facebook and MySpace activity (which would've indicated Casey) and followed by the use of AOL Instant Messenger (which would've indicated Casey's father, George), according to ABC. George Anthony attempted suicide in 2009.

Anthony is currently hiding in an unknown house in Florida which she refuses to leave in fear of being attacked, according to CNN's Piers Morgan. She denies having considered moving to Costa Rica and gaining weight, two rumors that circulated after she was released from prison. Baez also details the escape plan the defense team came up with to get Anthony out of jail.

She is well-aware of her position as the most hated woman in America, her lawyer said, and she lives in constant fear of what could happen to her if her location leaked to the public.

That fear doesn't seem to be stopping her from planning her own book. During a recent interview with Piers Morgan, Anthony's other attorney implied his former client might release her own book.

We are sitting back watching, defense attorney Cheney Mason said. When the time comes she will have her story to tell.