A woman walking past a mural of president-elect Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Belgrade, Serbia, Dec. 4, 2016. Reuters

Further portions of the controversial dossier purporting collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian Kremlin were reportedly confirmed to a secretive Congressional meeting, the BBC reported Wednesday night.

The now-verified claim? A Russian diplomat working in Washington, D.C., ahead of the 2016 presidential election was, in fact, a spy working for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin. James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, told a committee last week an investigation was underway into the diplomat’s ties to a possible Kremlin operation working to ensure Trump’s election as the 45th president of the United States.

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The U.S. intelligence community reportedly had yet to find any direct evidence showing Russian cyber attacks on the Democratic Party and officials working for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were meant to influence the election in favor of Trump. But the issue has mired much of the new president’s first months in the Oval Office in controversy, as new revelations into Trump’s ties with Russia have been made virtually every week since Jan. 20.

President Donald Trump (L-R), joined by Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice President Mike Pence, senior advisor Steve Bannon, Communications Director Sean Spicer and National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, speaking by phone with Russia's President Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, Jan. 28, 2017. Reuters

Now, Democrats are saying impeachment trials will await Trump when – not if – official connections linking him to Russia’s hacking of the presidential election are eventually made.

"I think in the final analysis, [Republicans] are going to have to move away from [President Trump]," Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA., said in an MSNBC interview with Joy Reid earlier this month. "And we will see that [President Trump] will be in a position where he will meet the criteria for high crimes and misdemeanors, and I maintain that’s where impeachment comes in."

Trump and his administration have repeatedly denied any wrongdoing or knowledge of Russia's meddling into the presidential election since well before he was sworn into office. "Investigation is not proof," a spokesperson for the president told BBC Wednesday night.

Meanwhile, Trump has sought to refocus the controversy from his own alleged ties to the Russian Kremlin to that of his former opponent's, writing on Twitter that Clinton paved the way to sell large masses of uranium to Russia for personal gain – a previously debunked and unfounded claim.

"Just watched the totally biased and fake news reports of the so-called Russia story on NBC and ABC. Such dishonesty!" Trump tweeted March 23. "Trump Russia story is a hoax. #MAGA!"