Microsoft is boosting up its Bing search engine by partnering with Wolfram Alpha and will offer its computational information through Bing's site.

Through the relationship with Bing, users coming to its site will be able to search for complicated information to everyday information like flight schedules, local weather, sports scores and stats - without the user having to leave the Bing answer page.

Microsoft's product managers, Tracey Yao and Pedro Silva, gave some examples in a blog post.

When you search for specific food items on Bing, you’ll get a nutrition quick tab that allows you to learn more about it. You also get a nutrition facts label at the bottom of the results page that summarizes all information on that food item in a very familiar and friendly format, they wrote.

Microsoft will show on the results page more information on travel options, events and attractions in destination cities, in-depth weather reports, product details and even hospital reviews, often culled from multiple sources, including some with which the company has forged deals.

The updates are being rolled out on Wednesday but may not reach all users immediately, Microsoft said.