NASA Photo Shows 'Ancient Burial Ground' On Planet Mars

Alien theorists and UFOlogists are once more hard at work trying to prove that aliens exist and they could be hiding somewhere in planet Mars.
Leading the usual speculations is Scott Waring, an infamous blogger whose theories on the existence of aliens are posted on his website In his latest post, Waring claims that he has discovered what looks like an ancient burial ground in Planet Mars. The UFOlogist claims that he was able to spot an actual coffin on the surface of the Red Planet which basically convinced him that there might be an alien civilization hiding somewhere.
The photo of an elongated object that really looks like a coffin was captured by NASA’s Mars Gigapan and Waring claims that it is 100 percent proof that an ancient extraterrestrial life has left it there as sort of a clue to show humans they are not alone in the universe. Per Waring, aliens have been leaving us clues of their existence for many years.
“When looking at a Mars photo I found a long casket similar to what you will find here on Earth. It’s a stone casket, much like the larger outer stone boxes for Egyptian golden sarcophagus. (It) has a top stone that is perfectly cut to match the lower case. The casket itself is about 2 meters across,” Waring said.
Aside from the ancient sarcophagus, the alien theorist also claims that he has spotted statues with large faces on them and that this is further proof that the aliens who have set base on Mars are proud of their heritage.
But as with Waring’s other theories, his ideas should always be taken with a grain of salt. Valid studies courtesy of space agencies like NASA has already proven that there is a possibility of finding life on the Red Planet but they still have no absolute proof of how they look like or even if they have an actual civilization to show.
Waring’s constant discoveries might be explained as pareidolia or the tendency of the human brain to catch meaningful patterns in various images. This group is not as crazy as what some would most likely presume, but has an actual scientific basis.
“Pareidolia is a normal neuro perceptual phenomenon. It happens in auditory and tactile domains as well … [pareidolia] helps us to be super alert to things … and thus is evolutionarily advantageous,” Dr. Kang Lee, a neuroscientist from the University of Toronto, once said in a report.
Pareidolia may often lead to false discoveries but it also trains our brains to spot something unusual in certain situations which might actually lead to a major discovery in the future.
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