Norwegian Police End Search as Last Shooting Victim Found

Norwegian police ended their search for bodies in waters around Utøya Island Thursday. The last unaccounted-for camper -- a Georgian student named Tamta Liparteliani -- was discovered dead, according to rescuers from Norway and Georgia.
"The search at Utøya has been completed, " the police chief-of-staff, Johan Fredriksen, told a press conference.
The island was the scene of one of Anders Behring Breivik's two frightful attacks Friday.
Breivik, who was dressed as a police officer, opened fire on the government-sponsored summer retreat, killing 68 people. Hours before, he detonated a bomb outside of Norway's government headquarters, killing eight.
Liparteliani's body was found by divers at the bottom to the lake. She had a gunshot wound in her back, police revealed Thursday.
“Our worst fears were confirmed,” Nino Kalandadze, the Georgian deputy foreign minister, said Thursday. “We were notified [by the Norwegian authorities] this morning, that the girl was identified as being among the dead. It’s a huge tragedy for all of us.”
Breivik is currently being held in solitary confinement in an Oslo jail. He was apprehended by Norway's national guard on Friday, while he was still roaming the island. Police said they are beginning a second round of questioning Friday.
Although he has already admitted to the attacks, Breivik claims that he did not work alone. Police are investigation possible connections to far-right wing organizations in Europe, but suspect that Breivik's mission was a solo one.
Breivik sent out a 1,500-page manifesto titled "2083: A European Declaration of Independence" in which he laid out his plans for a European revolution.
Citing a conspiracy to turn Europe into an Islamic empire, Breivik claims to be the first crusader in the war to take back Europe for ethnic Europeans. The often rambling and disjointed tome makes references to a number of historical events, as well as outlines a long and bloodly struggle that will go on for decades.
Authorities identified Liparteliani by her fingerprints. A second Georgian student survived the attack.
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