Occupy Portland Protestors Arrested Sunday Morning; Where Else Has it Happened?

Several Occupy Portland protestors were arrested early Sunday morning in a sign of growing tension over the Occupy movement that has led to nationwide arrests.
Police arrested 33 Portland occupiers in the wee hours of Sunday morning because they disobeyed a midnight curfew in Jamison Square, The Associated Press reported.
Portland occupiers have been allowed to camp out in two specific parks in business areas, but their going into the third park in a wealthy part of town and staying past the curfew, despite having been warned by authorities, prompted the arrests, The AP reported.
Arrests also took place Monday morning in Richmond, Virginia's Kanawha Plaza, where protestors had been making camp since earlier this month before being cleared out, The AP reported. A local CBS station reported that bulldozers rid the area of protestor belongings.
We have got word that several of our arrested occupiers have been released with citation, Richmond occupiers wrote on the Occupy Richmond Facebook page. We have a mobile group meeting up with them now.
Occupy Portland expressed support for their Richmond counterparts.
We stand in solidarity with Occupy Richmond, it reads on the Occupy Portland Facebook page. In the last hour their camp was raided & their belongings thrown into dumptrucks.
A reporter from The Oregonian, Noelle Crombie, tweeted about a new location for Occupy Portland protestors Monday morning.
Splinter group of Occupy Portland sets up shop at Terry Schrunk Plaza, she tweeted. Enormous rats darting around the muddy plaza this a.m.
Coincidentally, filmmaker and Occupy movement supporter Michael Moore will be in Portland today to sign his new book, Here Comes Trouble, at Powell's City of Books store.
Moore recently told Occupy Oakland protestors that the movement killed apathy in the U.S.
A local Portland public defender, Chris O'Connor, wrote an open letter to the city's protestors earlier this month, warning them of what could happen to them should they be arrested. He wrote that potential charges include disorderly conduct in the second degree and resisting arrest.
As many people of color, the homeless, and generally poor folks in our town have found out, the police have friends with all the money, jails, and guns, so they get to do what they want, O'Connor wrote. You do not. Remember that.
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