Pictured, a Target store. Reuters

It's not everyday that you hear about a sandal scandal. But that's exactly what Target finds itself embroiled in this week, as it works to do damage control following an odd name choice by the company for its new Mossimo sandal line, "Orina."

The name has a nice ring to it if you don't know its meaning, and Target apparently thought the word meant peace in Russian. Unfortunately, the company quickly found out that it actually means "urine" in Spanish, Yahoo News reported.

We've heard of peeing on your feet in the shower to ward off Athlete's Foot (If we recall correctly, it was Madonna who once touted that cure), but Target won't be able to wash this sandal scandal away so easily.

The snafu comes on the heels of another recent situation that left Target the target of criticism.

Last week the retailer was slammed for calling one maxi dress color "dark heather gray," but calling the plus-size version in the same color "manatee gray." Not the most sensitive choice.