A-B Split Details

Companies use a marketing test run called "A-B split" or "A-B testing" to attract more viewers and reach potential customers. The results are determined by a "conversion rate," which is the website's traffic and viewer interaction. Whichever method/approach gets the highest "conversion rate" is chosen as the primary marketing strategy for the business, at least for that particular time and near future. Even after selecting a "winner," the remaining variant can be useful for recollecting data and optimizing future marketing strategies.

At the beginning of an A-B split, it is a direct e-mail campaign. But it can also find a lot of success in other forms of media, like interactive media, websites, mobile apps, and even banner advertisements. It isn't completely exclusive to online advertisements and online communication platforms. It seeks to find not only the traffic, since, in this day and age, anyone can get higher numbers of traffic at a price. It also serves to give the customer a good and welcoming experience to generate more numbers organically.

A business can perform the testing at minimal cost, which means they can do it repeatedly for a prolonged time. The fact that it is so accessible and easy to perform makes many businesses frequently use it when deciding on a final design for any project.

The steps are also very flexible and easy to follow: First, two concepts with the same goal are created and compared, they are both published at either simultaneous or different times, and the numbers are analyzed. No room for guesswork or intuition; the data is clear, and so is the winning method.

Example of an A-B Split

If a flower delivery business is looking for higher traffic on their online website, they can rely on A-B testing to conclude the best approach to satisfy customers. There are various things that a company can do, but this particular business is interested in what the customers think about the website design and its flow.

At the start of February, the business sends e-mails to previous customers and advertises on social media. The website looks and operates differently on one day than it does on other days: different color palettes, different fonts, and a different toolbar and "recommended" section. At the end of each purchase, there is a note that asks for the customer's opinion.

For two weeks, the business analyzes the number of purchases and comments. The first design has a more professional and classy aesthetic. The toolbar is straightforward and direct. As for the second design, it's more colorful and creative. The toolbar has specific options, but it also has more broad concepts than factual terms. The primary purpose is to see if customers are turned off by a more "childish-like" design, or do they appreciate it and feel stimulated because of it? Or maybe customers want to get straight to the point and prefer to keep it professional.

After Valentine's day, the business checked the number and comments, and it turns out that the business made more sales on the days of the first design. The developer hypothesizes that the second design's more broad concepts confused the customers and eventually made them leave. As for the first design, the comments stated that they were able to find what they were looking for really quickly was a feature that they appreciated. Starting then, the company kept their website and their wholes aesthetic more professional and elegant.