tiktok logo
The logo of the application TikTok. JOEL SAGET/Getty Images

One of the hottest apps in recent memory has easily been TikTok. Taking what helped launch Vine into the stratosphere and expanding on that helped it take off with the short-form video app recently crossing 1 billion downloads. With that success, TikTok is launching a new initiative focused on online safety.

According to TechCrunch, TikTok has titled the initiative “You’re in Control” which will focus on different issues from privacy to safety policies. But instead of help or FAQ pages, the videos will utilize popular personalities on the app, memes, editing tricks, and more to help convey that information in a way that’s attention-grabbing. All the videos will be available through the new @tiktoptips account.

The individual topics that TikTok will tackle will include community guidelines, privacy protection, controlling direct messages and comments, and how in-app reporting works. And instead of being overly serious, the videos have a humorous slant that makes them easier to digest.

Given the issues that Facebook and YouTube have been hit with in the last few years, TikTok appears to be looking to get ahead of any potential problems that could emerge. All this is to help promote the positive community that TikTok wants to build around the app, and it already has plans on expanding the series.

Starting Wednesday, there will be seven videos on the app outlining some of the aforementioned topics, with more planned for the future as the company looks to expand into the larger global market.