Verizon strikers
Verizon strikers Creative Common

The strike by 45,000 landline workers against Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE: VZ) is entering its third week with no signs of resolution.

Here are some quotes taken from strikers on the picket line.

10. “Just think, for every hour we’re standing here, (Chairman) Ivan Seidenberg just pocketed another $5-grand.”

9. “I sure feel bad that all those teenage Verizon customers won’t be able to make all those inane, idiotic, pointless phone conversations with their friends.”

8. “Wireless? Internet? They’re doomed! Landline is where it’s at!”

7. “That Rick Perry is too handsome NOT to be president!”

6. “I pray that Michael Moore doesn’t make some stupid documentary about our strike and turn the public against us.”

5. “As long as Jimmy Hoffa is around, the American union movement can’t lose!”

4. “I wonder if AT&T or Sprint have any job openings?“

3. “Damn, I’m missing ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ because of this picket!”

2. “I sure as hell wouldn’t allow my daughter to date a non-unionized Verizon wireless worker.”

1.”45,000 striking workers can’t be wrong!”