When Should I Start Up My Business?
When Should I Start Up My Business? Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

Many people dream away the day, wishing they were their own boss. But not everyone takes a leap of faith to start their own business. For some, it's because the dream is just that -- a dream. For others, they don't know when the right time to start working towards their goal is.

Quite literally, it's never too late to start. You don't have to be young, full of energy, nor do you have to be older, full of business wisdom. No, age has nothing to do with when you should start up your business, so throw away any stereotype about age holding you back.

Instead, you should start up your business when you have the drive and are ready to establish your plan. Passion will motivate you, but a plan will advance you.


Your Outlook

Physical preparations are all well and good, but if your mind and heart are not in it, it is not a good time to start your business. So before you do absolutely anything, check-in with yourself.

  • Do you believe in your idea?
  • Have you created a product or service that will satisfy a market need?
  • Are you ready to face challenges and criticism?
  • Can you manage your time well?
  • Are you willing to learn?

These are the questions you need to both ask yourself and answer honestly. If you don't believe in your idea, then why pursue it? If you're not willing to learn, then how can you grow your business? You need to be confident, but you shouldn't be so proud that you cannot change what isn't working. And if you cannot be organized and self-motivated, then your business will drag on.

If your body, mind, and heart are in the right place, then it's the right time to start making plans to start your business.

Get Everything Ready

Before you start your business, you need a plan. It is tempting to shortcut the process and launch before everything is in place, but that is almost always a mistake and can result in failure to launch.


Therefore, making a business plan and obtaining the proper licenses are some of the first steps you need to take. Then you need to obtain the necessary financial backing. This can be in the shape of an investor, a business loan, personal savings, etc. These elements play major roles in your timing. Without them, it'll be almost impossible to start.

Storefront or eCommerce?

If you want a physical presence, then you'll need to take some time to find a proper space for your business. If you want to sell online strictly, you'll need to determine what eCommerce platform you will use. Regardless if you want to be online or not, it is crucial to have an online presence, even if it's a basic social media page. Setting up your webpage will take time. If you can avoid it, don't start your business with a webpage still under construction.

Pick Your Season

If your product or service is seasonal, then when to start your business is fairly obvious. You'll want to time your launch to the season! For example, don't open up a winter holiday store in February. Instead, aim for right after Halloween, when other stores roll out their winter decorations.

This does not mean a business can't start until the season starts. But it does mean that the ability to support the business during its off-season financially is important to take into consideration. You'll want to make sure you can sustain.

Other Considerations

If a company needs stock from a wholesaler or other seller, it will take time and money to set up. If you need staff right away, don't start up until you have the right help.


Wrapping Up

If you're reading this article, then it must already be on your mind. So when is it the right time to start your business? The answer is quite simple: now.

There never really is a right or ideal time to start a business. It is easy for a would-be entrepreneur to come up with reasons why it is "not the right time," but the problem there is that there are always reasons. That is why so many never take the plunge.

Circumstances are never perfect. There is no time like the present. You make your own right time. So, don't just sit on the fence waiting for the ideal moment. Make it happen now.