Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle on Sunday received an official apology from the publishers of The Mail on Sunday, after winning a year-long legal battle.

Markle had sued Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) for invasion of privacy and copyright for publishing a personal letter between herself and her father without her consent in February 2019.

"The Duchess of Sussex wins her legal case for copyright infringement against Associated Newspapers for articles published in The Mail on Sunday and posted on Mail Online," the Mail’s Sunday's front page reads.

Markle won the privacy and copyright infringement case on Dec. 2, but the Mail first published its apology on Sunday. The court ordered that the apology must be seen on the front page “for a period of one week” and access be provided to the court’s summary through a hyperlink under “The full judgment and the Court's summary of it can be found here."

The court summary can be found here.

“This is a victory not just for me, but for anyone who has ever felt scared to stand up for what’s right. While this win is precedent setting, what matters most is that we are now collectively brave enough to reshape a tabloid industry that conditions people to be cruel, and profits from the lies and pain that they create,” Markle said in a statement on Dec. 2.

The Mail's apology went into further detail of the situation and explained the court’s decision.

"Following a hearing on 19-20 January 2021, and a further hearing on 5 May, 2021, the Court has given judgment for the Duchess of Sussex on her claim for copyright infringement. The Court found that Associated Newspapers infringed her copyright by publishing extracts of her handwritten letter to her father in The Mail on Sunday and on Mail Online. Financial remedies have been agreed,” the Mail wrote.

Markle, 40, has been the subject of intense scrutiny from British tabloids since she began dating Prince Harry in 2016. The couple married in May 2018 and have two children.

Many social media users reacted to Markle's legal win and the ensuing apology. The hashtag #MeghanMarkleWon began trending Sunday on Twitter.