• Numerous Windows 10 users have been frustrated recently
  • Their devices keep running into the BSOD error when trying to print
  • They are blaming Windows 10's latest update for the error

Many Windows 10 users have been ranting lately about encountering the notorious Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) while trying to print documents. According to the frustrated users, Windows 10's KB5000802 update, also known as the March 2021 update, is to blame.

In a Reddit thread posted March 10, Microsoft Windows 10 users expressed their disappointment as their PCs kept running into the BSOD error while trying to print. They said the error began appearing after their Windows 10 devices had the March 2021 update.

The affected users' devices show the BSOD error each time they try to do anything involving a Kyocera printer driver. Many of them have tried upgrading to a newer version of Kyocera yet the problem persists.

"This update seems to be causing blue screens when printing to Kyocera Universal Print drivers. Have had at least 20 confirmed cases from 4 different clients already and it's only been an hour into the day," a Windows 10 user, whose organization was affected by the error, told Windows Latest.

People who are using their updated PCs with Ricoh and Zebra printers also encounter the error, according to reports. Windows Latest said the total number of affected devices remains unknown.

The affected users clarified that they do not see the BSOD error on their updated PCs unless they try to print using the affected printers. They added that the error takes place when they try to print from apps like Office and Notepad.

The Microsoft Windows 10 KB5000802 update is an automatic one, which means that to avoid the error, users need to disable automatic updates on their devices. They may also uninstall the update manually or roll back to an earlier restore point of their PCs.

To uninstall the update, users should go to "Settings," select "Update & Security" and click on "Windows Update." They have to look for "View Update History" and click on "Uninstall Updates." Once the specific update is located, they may simply uninstall it and their devices will revert to their previous status, Windows Latest said.

However, uninstalling the update may be done at a user's own risk since the latest update brings in a list of security updates and important bug fixes. According to reports, Microsoft has temporarily held the Windows 10 KB5000802 update rollout. However, others still see the update on the Windows Update page.

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US technology company Microsoft launched its Mesh platform, which is designed to let people collaborate and share holographic experiences in real time no matter how far apart they may be physically AFP / DENIS CHARLET