WoW Patch
Blizzard has released new updates and hotfixes to "Fury of Hellfire" patch 6.2.2 for "World of Warcraft." Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard has released new hotfix updates to “World of Warcraft” Patch 6.2 “Fury of Hellfire” on Monday. This includes a number of garrison buffs as well as shipyard upgrades.

Check out the “World of Warcraft” hotfixes below. Blizzard also mentioned that most of the updates will be made automatically, while some may require a realm restart before they go into effect.


Shipyard: Ships constructed at a Level 3 Shipyard should now always be Rare quality or better with an increased chance to be Epic quality.

All rare creatures and NPCs in Tanaan now have a chance to drop a number of equipment blueprints for ships.

Buffs To Garrison Resource

Completing the first Draenor Heroic Dungeon of the day now awards 200 Garrison Resource (up from 50).

Bringing Down the Iron Horde: The daily quest now awards 100 Garrison Resource on completion (up from 50).

Demonslayer of Tanaan: The daily quest now awards 100 Garrison Resource on completion (up from 50).

Pressing the Attack: The daily quest now awards 150 Garrison Resource on completion (up from 0).


Tablet of Ghost Wolf's movement speed increase to Ghost Wolf form should now be working correctly.