A major financial dispute between World Wrestling Entertainment and Saudi Arabia may have stranded over 170 WWE staff after its recent event, "Crown Jewel."

Reports claim that Saudi Arabia still allegedly owed WWE millions from Super ShowDown in June. This led to tensions emerging in the lead up to Crown Jewel, as Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, known as MBS, reportedly didn't show up to a private meeting with WWE executive Vince McMahon to discuss the money owed and a TV deal. McMahon ordered the TV feed for Saudi Arabia cut until WWE was paid, reportedly angering MBS. WWE then received a $60 million payment shortly before the show, resulting in a 40-minute tape delay for Saudi audiences.

Former WWE Spanish commentator Hugo Savinovich said on his Facebook page that the money owed was reportedly between $300 and $500 million.

It is also believed that these tensions are what led to the delay that resulted in over 170 WWE talent and crew being stranded in Riyadh. McMahon had reportedly left before the incident occurred while a private jet was charted for a handful of talent to try and get back to the U.S. for Friday’s episode of "SmackDown."

Besides tensions with the Saudi General Sports Authority and MBS, tensions have reportedly risen among talent who felt “abandoned” by McMahon and were used as “pawns,” according to Wrestling Observer Radio.

Brad Shepard of the “Oh You Didn’t Know” podcast also said several “top” stars have already hinted to staff they will not return to Saudi Arabia. The stars listed reportedly include Roman Reigns, Kofi Kingston, Braun Strowman, and Rey Mysterio. Other WWE talent, such as Buddy Murphy and Andrade, have made their feelings known on Twitter and teased there’s still more to the story.

Shepard also reports that the Saudi General Sports Authority is now reconsidering the deal with WWE as a result of the tensions from the past week.

“I’m told the GSA was scheduled to have a big meeting with Saudi Vision 2030 and is considering scrapping the entire deal with WWE, after Vince ordered the delayed broadcast,” Shepard said on the podcast. “There’s an internal belief that may just be an excuse to try to get out of the deal with WWE.”

Fans cheer during the WWE show
Fans cheer during the WWE show AFP / Fayez Nureldine