The Balanced Budget Amendment will see the floor of the House of Representatives on Friday, the first step in what could be a long road to adding it to the Constitution.

The vote was agreed to this summer as part of the debt-ceiling debate, but is generally opposed by Democrats, CNN reported. They argue it would force the government to make too drastic cuts to spending. Republicans meanwhile, think the amendment will reign in overspending at the federal level and keep taxes low.

The American people are demanding action, said bill sponsor Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia earlier this month, according to CNN They know that it is crucial we rein in the skyrocketing deficit spending that is discouraging investment and threatening to bankrupt our nation.

To become the 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the bill would needs 2/3 approval from both houses of congress, along with the support of 3/4 of the state's legislatures. The House Democratic leadership is encouraging their members to vote no on this bill, even though Democrats supported a similar bill in 1995, according the Washington Post.

Goodlatte is claiming to have popular support on his side. He said that 75 to 80 percent of Americans support a balanced budget amendment, according to the News Virginian.

Even if the Republicans get the votes they need, CNN reports that most analysts put the amendments chances of getting to the states are slim. the Democrats maintain a majority in the Senate, making it unlikely the bill gets enough support in the upper chamber.