The Democrats have a disingenuous narrative that they espouse boldly and without apology. It comes in a variety of forms, but it always goes something like this: women are the victims of discrimination, targets in an alleged war against women, and are helpless, frail creatures in need of big government.

One problem -- their carefully crafted tale is far from fact-driven. Moreover, while the Democrats beat their war drums on behalf of women, there is another underreported war happening before our very eyes: the war against men.

On June 4, 2011, President Barack Obama said this when speaking of the wage discrepancy: Women still earn just 70 cents for every dollar a man earns. It's worse for African-American women and Latinas.

The White House later came out and said the president meant to say 77 cents, but here's what they left out. The 77 cents statistic comes from an analysis of annual wages. This does not adjust for occupations like teachers who make less annually -- not because the evil males are holding them back -- but because they do not work during the summer. In other words, the annual average wage does not account for the fact that women work less hours annually than men.

As such, a weekly or even hourly wage analysis provides a different statistic that takes these facts into consideration and reveals a much narrower wage gap. This diverging number suggests women make somewhere between 81 to 85 cents for every dollar a man earns.

The Washington Post fact checker, Glenn Kessler wrote: Indeed, economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis surveyed economic literature and concluded that 'research suggests that the actual gender wage gap (when female workers are compared with male workers who have similar characteristics) is much lower than the raw wage gap.' They cited one survey, prepared for the Labor Department, which concluded that when such differences are accounted for, much of the hourly wage gap dwindled, to about 5 cents on the dollar.

Kessler goes further in debunking Obama's assertion that it's worse for African-American women and Latinas, but, putting numerical discrepancies aside, perhaps there is another war altogether, one that has been overlooked and underreported. And that is the war against men.

In 2010, 57.4 percent of bachelor's degrees were earned by women. Men, meanwhile, earned a mere 42.6 percent. It doesn't end here, though. Women earned 62.3 percent of associate's degrees, 60.3 percent of master's degrees, and 51.6 percent of doctorates. Overall, women earned 58.8 percent of all degrees, leaving men with only 41.2 percent.

Where are the outraged Democrats demanding these numbers be equalized and men earn an equal number of advanced degrees? They are strangely silent, and it's no wonder why -- it is not politically advantageous for them to do so.

It's time to get over gender and deny the Democratic Party of one of their chief electoral strategies -- victimhood. Democrats love to play the victim card. Far from seeing America as united or a collective whole, they view our country as a compilation of disconnected groups based on race, gender or sexual orientation.

As a woman, they tell me: You can't do it on your own. You are a victim in need of the government to swoop in and save you. And, as a woman, I tell them: It's time to get over gender and stop courting my vote with the fallacious narrative I've heard time and time again.

Kayleigh McEnany is a writer and political activist who graduated from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and studied at Oxford University. She is the founder of She writes every Tuesday for the International Business Times.