Friday the thirteenth has been a super unlucky day since both the number 13 and the day Friday are considered to be unlucky. While many superstitious people avoid black cats, mirrors, funerals processions and other scary things. But for spooky writer R.L. Stein, Friday the 13th, which occurs three times this year, is an opportunity to celebrate. the popular scary story writer shared a short tale of horror with his fans via Hub TV's Twitter account on Friday afternoon. Read the full story here:

Michael had no fear of Friday the 13th. His house was at 13 Endless Darkness Road. He was 13, and he was born on Friday the 13th. It was like any other day to Michael. He climbed out of bed. His mom wasn’t home. So he walked to school on an empty stomach. He passed some kids. They were talking about how they were scared of Friday the 13th. Michael wasn’t scared. He kept walking. His friend Beth came by. He waved to her and shouted, “Don’t be scared today. There’s no reason to be scared.”

In school, some kids made ghost howls for Friday the 13th. The teacher said they scared her. But Michael thought it was lame. A storm came up. Winds shook the windows. The lights went out. Kids ducked under desks. The teacher said it was bad luck. But Michael didn't get scared until that night.

Lying in bed, he suddenly felt strange. Why did his legs feel so itchy? He reached down to scratch and pulled something off his leg. A long worm! It wriggled coldly in his fingers. He pulled another worm off his leg. Then grabbed one oozing over his neck. His body itched. His blanket was made of worms! Slapping worms off his body, Michael tried to scream. But something clogged his throat. He reached two fingers into his mouth, and pulled out a fat, wet bug. Another bug crawled up his tongue. And suddenly Michael remembered. He remembered the accident. He remembered about his address: 13 Endless Darkness Road was the cemetery. Pulling the wet bugs from his throat, Michael knew why he wasn’t afraid of Friday the 13th: HE WAS ALREADY DEAD.

The Hub is celebrating Friday the 13th with 13 straight episodes of Gossebumps & The Haunting Hour. How are you celebrating this unlucky day?