"Fifty Shades of Grey," the bestselling book everyone seems to be reading on their e-reader (out of embarrassment or discretion) started out as "Twilight" fan fiction. Now another author has landed a book deal based on his stories of the continued escapades of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.

An imprint of Penguin, has given the author of the e-books "Gabriel's Inferno" and "Gabriel's" Rapture" Sylvain Reynard. a seven figure deal, reports Gawker.

The novels have been available as e-books since last April and their popularity in that medium convinced Penguin to give them 500,000 paperback copies in their first run. The Hollywood Reporter reports not much is known about the author of the two volumes, Reynard is simply a pen name. Some fans speculate Reynard is a man, others a woman; all that is known for sure is that Reynard has just come into a substantial amount of money.

The summary of "Gabriel's Inferno" reads like a run-down of "Fifty Shades of Grey." A charming, handsome man (in this case Professor Gabriel Emerson) feels incredibly attracted to his wide-eyed grad student (Julia Mitchell). He's troubled, he wants her, and the question becomes will love win out in the end?

Assuming this latest addition to main stream erotica sells well enough to merit a movie, I suggest casting Matthew Morrison ("Glee's Mr. Schuester) as the professor and Lea Michele as the grad student. Morrison has said he'd like to try out darker roles, and the film would appeal to fans of "Glee" and "Twilight" fan fiction.