Google Barge
Google Barge CNet

It turns out that the rumors earlier this week were true. The Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) Barge has officially left its dock near Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay and has been spotted sailing up the Sacramento-San Joaqin River Delta toward its new home in Stockton, Calif.

As the International Business Times reported Monday, Google never obtained the proper permits to build its four-story barge in the bay. Google faced a $30,000 fine for not complying. The enormous company easily could have afforded the fine, but opted to move the barge to avoid any more conflict with San Franciscans, who are already resentful of its effect on the city.

“It’s been a busy six months for our barge and it’s grown tired of all the attention, so we are moving it to Stockton where it can have a break, enjoy the city’s delicious asparagus, warmer climate and get a bit of rest before its next chapter,” Google jokingly told the Associated Press.

Construction on the Google barge has been on hiatus since October, but Google maintains that the barge will serve as showroom for interactive technology. A sister barge is under construction in Maine, reportedly to display technology to the East Coast.