Google+ invitations to expand
The Google+ invitation button has been available for more than a day now, suggesting Google is loosening up and is more confident about expanding its social network's population. Google+

Google Inc.'s new social networking site Google+ has suffered its first major flaw on Saturday, when users received email notification multiple times.

Earlier, when Google announced its social networking service Google Plus, is was still in beta version and mostly closed to the public, many users thought Google has the potential to replace Twitter.

But after the multiple email notifications from Google+, many users have taken to Twitter to voice their displeasure at receiving notifications, particularly those who have switched off email correspondence in their Google+ settings.

Whilst many have been receiving a handful of emails, many have received over 40 messages alerting them that a friend had added them to a Circle. The Gmail accounts resembled something similar to this:

I just got 29 emails telling me that [another user] is following me on google +. What a weird glitch, writes Twitter user Nolongermusing, whose post was typical of those still streaming in Saturday afternoon.

The reason behind the multiple notification emails is not yet known, but the company's senior vice president for social, Vic Gundotra, responded via a Google+ post that states: