Hugh Hefner
Hefner splits from fiancee Reuters

Hugh Hefner has come out to speak about his unexpected spilt from his fiancée Crystal Harris, after she left him during their Sunday night movie, taking with her a Bentley and the engagement ring.

When CNN's Piers Morgan asked the Playboy boss, 85, if he thought she has taken him for a ride, he took a few moments saying it was possible but a pretty good ride nonetheless.

When asked the keynote question of what happened? Hefner said he didn't know and anticipated that the details would probably play out in the next couple of weeks. He said there had been problems and signs during a trip to London to sign her record deal.

In the weeks immediately afterward as we got very close to the marriage, something was not right, but I didn't see it coming, said Hefner. Where was my head?

Morgan highlighted that skeptics had anticipated that the marriage never stood a chance, especially with the 60-year age gap. I frankly made the commitment because I wanted to do whatever would make the relationship work, but the following Monday when I woke up single I knew that this was the natural way to be, Hefner said.

Hefner believes that if Harris had been acting all along she did a pretty good job. He said if she were just in it for the money she would have gone ahead with the marriage.

Many Hefner fans on Twitter suspect Harris left him for another boyfriend. Hefner hinted at the prospect during his interview with Piers Morgan after saying that Harris had not gone to her mother's house as she had told him when she moved out.

After taking the Bentley and the estimated $60,000-70,000 engagement ring, Harris brought back their dog to Hefner saying that he was closer to it than she was.