Kevin Smith’s Red State has left many people feeling a little annoyed with him; first for not delivering on his promised horror film and then announcing that he is going to self distribute the film by taking it on a road show.

Kevins’ film was shown on Sunday and got a mixed review from the critics.

Kevin held a mock auction of the film after its screening and sold it to himself for $20 . Then he announced that he will be taking the film on the road through his own company SModcast. Tickets will be sold at $ 60 with a question and answers round thrown up with the film’s cast and himself.

There will be world of mouth advertisement and screenings will start at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on March 5, with a total of 13 cities on the tour. After that, Smith plans on showing the film in theaters starting October 19.

Along with all this Smith’s diatribe against the distribution model of films which according to him required his $4milllion film to pitch in another $20 million for it to break even, left the film buyers , journalists and
distributors fuming. His criticism did not go down too well with those present.

The film drew a mixed bag of reviews with almost none of the critics getting his handling the subject of fundamental bigotism.

In his defense, Kevin Smith has started a twitter explanation of how he did not say he will sell the film but that he would pick his distributor auction style. He also said his model for a road show was no different than adopted by older films like the ‘Gone with The Wind. This way once he made his $4 million every penny above that was a profit.

He said that films like his or indie films need special handling and that is what he was doing and paving the way for future film-makers like him. There was more in a similar vein. Here is a small review of what the film is all about.

The movie is mix match of a horror action thriller aimed at fundamentalist cults like Westboro Baptist Church, who target gays, liberals or anyone who does not meet their strict twisted moral codes and they find unique ways to get rid of them. The movie from there deteriorates into a Waco like siege with fed agents , gunfire, murder and mayhem. The movie has its good points with strong camera work but it is scattered and for a thriller horror the film’s pace is slow.

Kevin’s earlier works include Clerk, Zack and Miri make a Porno and Cop Out, all critically acclaimed.