Michael Lohan Arrested for Domestic Abuse
Michael Lohan's ex-girlfriend Kate Major has said she is "terrified" of him. Reuters

Lindsay Lohan is not the only one with legal troubles these days.

Her father, Michael Lohan, was arrested Oct. 25 on domestic abuse charges by girlfriend Kathryn Major.

Lohan was arrested in Florida on charges that he grabbed his girlfriend's arms and pushed her down multiple times.

Kathryn Major is only 28-years-old; Michael Lohan is 51.

She had some redness on her arms, some minor bruising and it was determined that he grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground a couple of times, police spokeswoman Andrea Davis said.

He immediately got defensive saying 'everything is OK and nothing happened here,' the report said. The victim started yelling in the background for us to help her because he was lying.

Major's clothing and jewelry was strewn about the bedroom. There was also a noticeable dent in the bathroom door, that The AP reports was the same height as Lohan's head.

Lohan went over to Major's house on Sunday, Oct. 23, and Major let him stay, even though she had already had a domestic abuse charge filed against him.

Supposedly, one of the causes of their argument was a scheduled court date for Tuesday, Oct. 25, for this previous incidence of domestic violence.

In addition to the court date, police said Lohan was angry because Major would not perform oral sex on him, says The AP article.

Their relationship has been on and off for quite some time now.

In July 2010 Major filed a report with the Southampton Town Police saying that Lohan had attacked her, shoved her over a chair, and kicked her in the face.

At the time, Lohan commented to RadarOnline.com saying, I just don't know what she is talking about. I tried to speak with Kate this morning because I found out Kate drained one of our bank accounts and now she won't call me back.

The two were engaged in April 2010. They have since broken off their engagement.

On Oct. 25 he attempted to escape custody, reports The AP.

After being arrested, Lohan complained of chest pains and was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. That is when he tried to check himself out and escape, but police caught and arrested him once again.